Feeling grumpy or being in a bad mood from your everyday duties? TSG’s BMX and mountain biking legend Timo Pritzel recommends to grab your bike, because every day is a good day to ride a bike!
photos & video – HANS FRIEDRICH
SEPTBEMER 10, 2021
Bad-tempered from too much paperwork, daily dramas or global negative news? No doubt we’ve all been there, but Timo Pritzel has found a solution for himself:

Timo is a BMX and mountain biking legend and also a yoga teacher. He thinks:
Every day is a good day to ride a bike!
For Timos mountain biking is as a form of mediation:
“The monkey in your head can finally shut up. You live in the moment. And only that counts. Keep an eye on every stone and root during your ride and breathe deeply and consciously. Don’t be afraid to keep reminding yourself of this.

“Use the valuable time and nature around you to clear your mind and to actively experience your life.”
“But be careful, you can also use sport the wrong way! Don’t turn your ride into a stressful battle round in the forest without seeing nature and without taking the time to really be in the moment. After the ride, treat yourself with some stretching or just look into the horizon and be grateful.”

“Spending time with kids gets me right into the moment and I forget the time or my to-do list! That is energy and time well used!”
Timo points out that it is also great to spend time with kids and be there in the moment 100%, not checking emails or messages in between. And if you can combine both biking and spending time with kids and sharing your joy it gets even better.
After a bike ride, most of the problems feel lighter
“It just feels so much better to have your lungs free and breathe deeply after a bike ride in nature than to cramp your shoulders and neck and scroll on your cell phone,” says Timo.

Free your lungs and breathe deeply! Biking helps Timo to calm down and take it easy.
“Especially when you have an inner storm that is raging, it is important to take your time! After a bike ride, most of the problems are suddenly no longer that bad or you can look at them differently and find solutions.
So don’t wait for you to have a vacation at some point and ride the perfect A-Line in Whistler, but use the valuable time and nature around you to clear your mind – and to actively experience your life.”
We think Timo is totally right!
Every day is a good day to have a bike day.
No more excuses.
Grab your bike!