Eurobike brings together our top riders and we are happy to announce that you can meet & greet them at our booth at Public Day. Or win a set of signed posters.
I. Meet & Greet at Eurobike 2022
Six of our mountain bike team riders and one bmx rider will be visiting Eurobike trade show in Frankfurt a.M., Germany from July 13th-17th. The first 3 days are reserved for business only, but at the weekend the Eurobike opens its doors for the public and you get the unique opportunity to sneak peak all the great new stuff that hits the stores next season.

Sam Pilgrim is entertaining the crowd at Eurobike 2019.
II. Signing Session at public day
Meet & Greet UK mountain bike youtube stars Sam Pilgrim and Kara Beal, Swedish Slopestyle machine Max Fredriksson, freestyle mtb shredder Marc Diekmann, BMX young talent Lennox Zimmermann and German mountain biker Jonas Sonnenberg.
They bring new signing cards for you. And will for sure throw some TSG gear into the crowd as they did in the previous signing sessions.
Saturday, 16.7.2022
TSG Booth: 12.1 D32
13:00 – 13:45 pm

The team signed posters for more than an hour.
III. Win if you can’t make it to Eurobike
Can’t make it too Eurobike? We give away 5 packs of hand signed A5 posters from our riders. Email us your address and tell us who is your favorite rider of the TSG bike team.
Send email to:
Put into email header: I want to win!
Closing date for entries: 01.08.2022
Competition Terms: The competition is open to all European residents. All entries submitted correctly by 01. August 2922 will be entered into the draw. The winners will be selected by TSG employees behind closed doors. Prizes will be delivered to European addresses only. No cash alternative. Participants will be contacted using the contact details provided. If TSG does not receive a response within ten calendar days (based on the date of receipt by TSG), the winner shall forfeit their prize and TSG shall be entitled to draw a new winner. By entering the competition, participants agree to the data they provide being stored for the duration of the competition and used for the purposes of conducting the prize draw. Substantive Swiss law applies exclusively. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the competition. The judges’ decision is final. By entering the competition, participants agree to the conditions of participation.