Laury Perez
French Champ
Laury Perez is a beast on a BMX.
Years riding
Laury Perez is a beast on a BMX, with four French Championship golds and two European Championship bronze medals hanging proud round her neck. With her hometown of Sérignan within sniffing distance of Montpellier, the beating heart of freestyle BMX, it was invariable that she would transition from the two wheels of freestyle scooters to the balls-of-steel wheels of BMX. You can check her antics out online, in one of her many video drops and you will be sure to see more of her on the big screen when she wins that Olympic medal that she’s got her high beams on. TSG are stoked to keep her safe, with Laury rocking TSG gloves, Kneeguard Tahoe A, Shinguard BMX, Ankle Support 2.0 and a Helmet Sentinel topping off her protection. It’s so good to have her on the team!