Christian had a horrible crash on a snowboard last year. Thanks for sharing your TSG saved my life story.
story and photos by CHRISTIAN FLUHER
I. TSG Saved My Life
This time last year I had a horrible crash on snow. Riding a snowboard, I fell on my head. Your helmet saved my life! Literally saved my life!
After the accident the helmet broke on two pieces. After a 3 hour ride to the hospital I had multiple x-rays and MRI scans (even today I have to have my head checked) and thankfully they didn’t find any broken or cracked bones in my neck, head or spine. Your helmet really saved my life!

Christian snowboarding before the accident and a couple hours later in the hospital
Thank you for making such a good product that is worth investing in!! Sadly I was left without a helmet, but I still have my life! The Doctor said that if I had been wearing some cheap shit or nothing at all, instead of pants and a helmet from your company, I would have died! Thank you for making such awesome products TSG!
You saved my life!
I still have some fear for this year to get back on the snowboard. Actually a lot of fear. But I’m looking forward to overcoming my fear and stepping on the board one day and start feeling the freedom it brings once again!
Again, thank you for making the best quality equipment! I owe you! You saved my life!
II. The TSG Fly helmet
Christian head was saved by the TSG Fly snowboard and ski helmet. due to its in-mold construction this helmet is super light. It’s a great choice if you enjoy riding snow parks and pipe. The shell features a sleek design without top vent holes what makes it very strong. It is also convenient to use during very cold temperatures. Check it out here.
Without your product I would have died